The STAVROS SOCRATOUS & SONS LTD company is a family business that started in 2001 and trades a whole list of  D.I.Y products.

The company’s product list includes know brands of electrical tools, hand tools, paints, gardening tools, light industrial machineries and more. The complete products list can be found in our shop.

The company’s manager is Mr Stavros Socratous. Stavros Socratous was working for a long time as an employee to different D.I.Y shops.

In 1996 Mr Socratous made the big movement and open his own shop. In 2001 the Stavros Socratous & Sons Ltd was created.

In 2007 the company moved into its private buildings in St Neophtos Avenue, Number 4 towards Tremithousa village. The company seeks to offer the best quality of products and services to its clients. 
